The birth of the universe perhaps not as violent as previously thought.
According to a new study, the universe may experience periods of expansion and contraction alternating from one state to another without collapsing on itself
This theory -. known as the ‘Big Bounce. ‘- Has long been debated, but now researchers have developed a model to show how such a scenario might be possible, enabling a new world to “spring” of a Contracting State Previous
birth of the universe perhaps not as violent as previously thought. A new study, the universe may experience periods of expansion and contraction alternating from one state to another without collapsing on itself
It is commonly thought that the current expansion of the universe is the result of the Big Bang, the explosion in the existence of a dense point, hot material.
While physicists have discussed the idea of a Big Bounce since 1922, this theory was inhibited by the failure to explain how the universe could pass without s ‘collapse completely
in the new study, published in Physical review Letters, the researchers explain that all particles in the early universe would be governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.
This, for example, allows the atoms to exist, which prevents electrons lose energy and collapse as they travel around the nucleus.
Although quantum mechanics governs the behavior of subatomic particles, biggest question behaves differently, breaking the conformal symmetry.
In the early universe, researchers say that the same physical laws would have worked for the whole of the structure and interactions on a smaller scale even than atoms individual.
Therefore, rather than collapse and be destroyed at the end of a period of contraction, the universe was probably saved by quantum mechanics, the researchers say.
It is commonly thought that the current expansion of the universe is the result of the Big Bang. But according to a new study, the universe may instead have gone through a “Big Bounce. In the above image, the cosmic microwave background is shown in yellow, created in the fireball of the Big Bang
“Quantum mechanics saves us when things fail said Dr. Steffen Gielen of Imperial College London, author of the study.
it saves electrons fall and destroy the atoms, then perhaps it could also save the universe at the beginning of these beginnings and violent purposes and that the Big Bang Big Crunch. ”
researchers built their model on the idea that the early universe was conformal symmetry, governed by the rules of quantum mechanics.
They also included some “simple ingredients” that would likely have been present, such as radiation and almost no normal matter.
Although the model, the researchers predict that the universe could have sprung from a previous universe was contracting.
Although the model, the researchers predict that the universe could have sprung from a previous universe was contracting. As work continues, researchers are looking to apply this model to explain how other items result from simple universe like galaxies
This means it does not born of a broken point of physics, in the case of a complete collapse.
“the surprise in our work is that we could describe the first moments of the Big Bang hot quantum mechanically, under very reasonable and minimal assumptions about this matter in the universe, said Dr. Neil Turok, Director of Perimeter Institute for theoretical physics in Canada, which was also involved in the study.
‘in these assumptions, the Big Bang was a “rebound” in which the reverse contraction to expansion. “
As the work continues, researchers are looking to apply this model to explain how other items result from simple universe like galaxies.
According to Dr. Gielen, “the ability of our model to give a possible solution to the problem of the Big Bang opens up new explanations for the formation of the universe.
Was the Big Bang actually a 'Big Bounce'? New theory claims universe sprang into life
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