A barber Liverpool traveled the world giving people in amazing places haircuts, which earned him the nickname of “the Nomad Barber
award-winning hairdresser men who now has two lounges -. one in London and one in Berlin – began a life changing adventure in 2013 and has traveled more than 20 countries, including Greece and Kurdistan in northern Iraq honing his craft.
Miguel Gutierrez decided to travel the world by cutting his hair and beard to shave until his funds dried up so he could see how his old trade 5000 years varied from one place to another.
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Miguel Gutierrez Nomad Barber. In one year, he traveled through the southern tip of Europe, around the Middle East America, Asia, North and South
travel Gutierrez began in Athens (above). He decided to travel the world by cutting his hair and beard to shave until his funds dried up so he could see how his old trade 5000 years varied from place to place
action shot: Youtube and Instagram sensation “The Nomad Barber trip hairdressers skills local and providing local learning world free of cuts, as above in Hampi, India (left)
Then aged 26, the Nomad Barber and a cameraman laid off for a long trek hike of the year worldwide.
He first went to Athens before heading to Turkey, then through the Middle East and India and across Asia. He observed his colleagues in Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal and Dubai.
For Gutierrez, the most unusual place of his visit was to Kurdistan in the north of Iraq, near the Iranian border after passing through a dozen checkpoints .
As he went, Gutierrez sought barbers and learned their techniques, then filmed their practices.
Gutierrez would set up shop on beaches, in parks and in the streets and give a haircut to locals and tourists, and engage them in conversation, as he has documented his adventure in a web series.
He said MailOnline Travel: “It started as a project of passion that I wanted to go around the world and document the whole cultural level and the context of different hairdressers worldwide .
Born in Liverpool, he moved to London at 16 and now divides his time between his two shows in Berlin and London but is already planning his trip around the world in 2017
Guiterrez recorded his journey on Instagram and filmed on Youtube, it has now 92.1K followers on sharing app image and 97,000 subscribers to the video channel
trip was largely improvised with the course change spontaneously to enable it to meet new people . For this reason, he found it exhausting
Gutierrez said :. “It was a struggle by six months. We took more than 50 overnight buses in a year and always editing and planning the next session.
“It has been a continuous work, it was really tiring, I’m not in a proper sleep cycle, he aged dramatically.”
to finance this big tour there money on Kickstarter crowd-sourced, maxed out three credit cards and won the sponsorship of a cutting business.
After completing his hair-raising journey around the world, focused on the visit of nine other countries for the sake of it, bringing the number of countries visited to 30.
After finely analyzed the hair of the culture of care in each country, he said he thought India had the best because “they have the caste system there and a lot of barbers kind of born into it, by their fathers and grandfathers to do so. “
surprisingly, language barriers never have been a problem. Gutierrez met people along the way, in the streets, in hostels and hairdressers who would help translate when and if necessary
The Nomad Barbar even stopped by his hometown of Liverpool (above) to give a good haircut participant ready to be photographed
Although he traveled with a camera all the time, Guiterrez said he picked up a lot of shooting and photography skills along his journey
Although he readily admitted that he did not really matter “how you got into it, if you were born in she, or your family you got in or you chose to go into it, everyone kind of goes through the same experiences and deals with the same type of customers each day.
According to Gutierrez, however, while Turkish men and the Middle East were all three days of the hairdresser or so, he found that it is those in Dubai that took great care of their appearance as neat often helped in career advancement.
Gutierrez is now excited looking forward to his next trip.
He said, “I’ll be here between London and will probably do some more traveling too.
He plans to go to destinations he missed the first time round: “I want to return to Asia so I’ll probably visit Japan, Korea, Thailand , Taiwan, the Philippines, and then back to the States, Brazil, Argentina … there are so many places!
Before and after: Putting his skills to the test, it would turn the hair of the men he met through the four continents that he has visited
Her favorite destination was northern Iraq in the Kurdistan region because it lacked automonous tourists and all everyone was very friendly
source: dailymail.co.uk/travel
Meet the hairdresser the most traveled in the world: The hairdresser adventurous men visited 21 countries in one year
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